The beginning starts here
Have you been inspired by our organization, but there isn’t in your area yet? Would you be interested in starting a new chapter? This opportunity gives you the chance to help out your community, with the support and experience available to guide you.
Organizational chapters provide members the opportunity to network with local industry professionals, obtain and develop connections with other like-minded car enthusiast.
Membership is open to anyone with a Chrysler 300, Dodge Charger, Dodge Magnum, and Dodge Challenger.
Each prospective chapter must have at least 5 members of the respective vehicles that meet our organizational requirements. Once that is done, the prospective chapter would participate in 1-2 community events and/or functions. This allows a chance to see how the prospective chapter interacts with the surrounding community and the public.
Once the prospective chapter believes they would like to proceed in becoming part of our organization, the next step would be the request for observation. This is voted on by the organizations senior leaders and serves as an observation time; which at the end the prospective chapter will be evaluated. After successful completing observation, another formal vote is taken; at which time the prospective chapter must receive a unanimous vote. Upon receiving a successful vote that prospective chapter becomes an active chapter within the organization and shall receive all rights and entitlements of such.
Other Basics:
- Expect to commit a fair amount of personal time to the club efforts at the local level.
- Have an organization meeting with other members who share the same level of commitment as yourself.
- Be actively involved in the community and the car scene.
How do I contact about starting a chapter ?
Best way to start a chapter, is to contact us; or you can send us a message through the inquiry button or through our social media accounts
How Do i get our social media set up?
We as the organization will set up all of your prospective chapter’s social media accounts. This includes email, Instagram and Facebook.
Will I have to buy my own business cards?
No, we provide your initial recruiting material. They will be designed with your input and purchased by the organization. Once all them are gone, then the prospective chapter is responsible for obtaining more.
What happens if I have to put starting a chapter on hold?
That is perfectly fine, what will happen is all social media accounts will be unpublished and put on hold. One of the senior leaders will reach out to you and we will revisit the idea and make an informed decision from there.
Will I get something to help me with the rules?
Yes, you will receive the organizations rules and regs; this will assist you with ensuring that your keeping within organizational standards. The rules and regs are taken and modified from the organizations by-laws; and are designed specifically for prospective chapter.
Will there be someone to help me during my observation time?
Yes, we will assist you each step of the way. Many of the senior leaders have been with our organization for awhile and have made the commitment to lend a hand at any time. This will provide guidance on how to make timely and well-reasoned decisions as a prospective chapter.